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Financial Information (Other Standard)


(Unit: million won)
Contents Current year Prior year
Current Assets 69,660 59,337
Non-Current Assets 21,518 44,135
Total Assets 91,178 103,473
Current Liabilities 3,022 4,057
Non-Current Liabilities 401 1,255
Total Liabilities 3,423 5,312
Contributed equity 17,479 17,479
Other Capital Adjustments -7,404 -7,404
Elements of other stockholder's equity 77,679 88,085
Retained earnings 0 0
Total Capital 87,755 98,160

General Statement of Profits and Losses

(Unit: million won)
Contents Current year Prior year
Sales 17,725 23,989
Operating Income -2,893 -9,293
Profit (loss) -9,009 29,895
Total comprehensive income -9,020 30,149

Financial Information (Connection Standard)


(Unit: million won)
Contents Current year Prior year
Current Assets 73,678 66,065
Non-Current Assets 20,195 41,689
Total Assets 93,873 107,755
Current Liabilities 3,833 5,460
Non-Current Liabilities 659 1,883
Total Liabilities 4,492 7,343
Equity owner of the Parent Company 89,382 100,808
Capital 17,479 17,479
Paid-In Capital -8,514 -8,514
Other Capital Compositions 80,416 91,842
Earned Surplus 0 0
Non-controlling interests 0 -396
Total Capital 89,382 100,412

General Statement of Profits Losses

(Unit: million won)
Contents Current year Prior year
Sales 25,902 33,771
Profits -3,965 -10,378
Net Income -10,030 32,923
Total Gross Income -10,041 33,177